Sometimes in life you need an overnight cash advance. A financial emergency happens and you need cash right away to solve the problem. An overnight cash advance can solve that problem, by sending funds to your bank account the same day you apply. Below, you will see how this process works and how it can help you.
How fast is the loan process?
The application only takes two to three minutes to complete and the review process only takes a few minutes. After your loan is approved, you will have funds sent to your account within two hours.
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How do I know my info will be protected?
You can tell by looking at the address bar of a secured page. Whenever you type in sensitive information on a loan site, It will be on a page that has "https" at the beginning of the URL. The "s" in "https" means secure or safe page.
Can I get this loan if I'm in college?
College students can get an overnight cash advance, if they qualify for the loan. You just need to be 18 years of age and have a stable job for three months.
Can I contact the loan company?
Yes. Go to their web site and look for the contact section. There will be a whole host of contact information you can use to communicate with them.
How much will I have to pay per month?
You will need to pay about $50 a month in installments to pay back loan. This number will vary, but it should be somewhere in this range.
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