Is It Possible to Get a Payday Loan in 1 Hour?

Quite often you will see many cash lenders advertise that they can process your application for a payday loan in 1 hour, but is this really possible? The fact is that, while technically it is possible for you to receive your funds from your cash advance within the hour, there are many factors that can affect the processing times of your loan application that are beyond the control of the lender and therefore you may find that it takes a little longer to get your cash.

If you need your payday loan in 1 hour and intend on applying for one online you will need to keep in mind that a one hour processing time will begin from the time your lender receives your application. It is obviously not possible to get your payday loan in 1 hour if you submit your application online when the lender is closed. To ensure that you do receive your payday loan in 1 hour you should check out the companies website carefully and read the fine print in regard to loan processing times.

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If you have left your cash advance application to the last possible minute and really need your payday loan in 1 hour, your best chance to secure this in this time frame is to apply through an actual cash lending store. Applying in person will ensure that your application is submitted straight away and processing can begin immediately. While this method of getting a cash advance may be a little more inconvenient, it will give you quick access to your cash and means that you can get your payday loan in 1 hour.

Another thing you will need to keep in mind when you are in need of a payday loan in 1 hour is that it may take a little time for the funds to be cleared through your bank account if they are directly deposited. In some cases a lender may deposit your funds in the form of a check and in these cases it can take a few days for this payment to be cleared. When you want a payday loan in 1 hour you will need to make sure that you clarify with your lender if these funds are deposited as a check and if so, see if they are able to offer any other alternative payment method.

If you are applying in person you may be able to receive your funds in the form of cash. This will depend on the payment policies of your lender and will vary between companies. If you are in desperate need of money and want your payday loan in 1 hour you will need to look for lenders who can offer you cash or a cash deposit.

The most important thing that you will need to keep in mind when looking for a payday loan in 1 hour is that this time frame may only be applied to the actual processing time of your application. You should always allow a little extra time for your money to find its way into your account. In general, allowing up to 24 hours to receive your cash advance will help minimize disappointment and frustration when it comes to getting a fast cash loan.

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