Bad credit is easy to gain but difficult to shake off. And it can prove harmful when you are out to secure some financial backing for your personal use. The only option that seems available to you would be to avoid showing your credit report altogether. But with most lenders asking to view it, you are in a fix. Is there an alternative available to you? There is- no credit check loans.
No credit check loans are a form of loan which you can borrow without having your credit checked. It is a great choice for those who have arrears, defaults, CCJ, IVA, late payments, low credit score, unpaid bills or bankruptcy in their credit report. You can also apply for it if you happen to have no credit history.
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No credit check loans can be borrowed for any of you personal plans. They are normally used by people to fund various projects like home improvement, debt consolidation, car purchase, weddings, holidays, higher education, medical operations, etc. loan amounts, terms and rates differ according to whether you are providing collateral or not. A secured option has maximum limits of principal and repayment term at £100000 and 30 years respectively. An unsecured option, on the other hand has restricted its loan amount to £25000 and term to 10 years. You may be able to avail lower rates through a secured option. But if you do not own assets like home or property you will have to opt for the unsecured option. Do not worry too much about the higher interest rate as the repayment term is shorter.
If your bad credit or no credit is troubling you, then you now know the loan option that you can go for- a no credit check loan. Remember to shop before choosing any deal. Interest rate differs with lenders. By comparing their loan quotes, you will be able to select lower rates.
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