Sometimes you will find yourself bombarded by bad debt records, yet you are in need of a loan. Being in bad shape financially means that your finances are not adding up and you have more liabilities than you can afford to pay. At such times, your most convenient way out of the situation may be to apply for a cash advance. While this may seem like an additional expense on your already tight budget, it may, on the other hand mark the beginning of your financial freedom.
A personal loan may just be what you need at this time. This means that you will use the money to benefit your own self and not to invest in business. Bad debt personal credit facilities come in two types; secured and unsecured. Secured ones normally require that you give some form of collateral. The reason for this is that the lender will be exposed to lesser risk in case you choose to default on the loan.
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Unsecured ones on the other hand mean that you do not have to provide any collateral. The lender takes the risk and backs on your word of promise that you shall repay the amount rendered to you. However, secured cash advances are easier to access and they normally guarantee you larger amounts of money.
One more thing about these bad debt credit facilities is that, they are prone to attract a higher interest rates compared to the normal ones. The lower your credit score, the higher the interest rate you are bound to pay. By obtaining a copy of your financial report from the major reporting agencies, you will be in a better position to determine just how much interest you are expected to pay.
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